Professional Bronx Personal Injury Lawyer

In Need of a Bronx Personal Injury Lawyer?

Serious accidents can happen anywhere. People can be injured by dangerous products, unsafe conditions, or even negligent people. Victims have the right, under the law, to seek compensation for medical bills, lost wages, pain and suffering, and other damages. David Resnick & Associates, P.C. has over 25 years of experience helping injury victims in the Bronx and surrounding boroughs in New York City. Our lawyers know what to do when an accident occurs, and we are ready to fight for you. Contact us now for a free consultation.

Personal Injury Cases We Handle

We are here to help if you have been injured in an accident. We handle all types of personal injury cases, including:

Who Is Responsible For My Injury?

Identifying who is responsible for your injury is one of the first steps we will figure out together. If the facts of your case involve an injury caused by someone else’s negligence, then the responsible party could be anyone from the owner of the property where the accident occurred to the person who was driving the vehicle in an accident. In certain situations, government agencies or public companies can be held responsible for negligence.

We can help you locate and gather the most effective evidence for your case. Having the best evidence will make it easier to convince the insurance company or any other opposing party that you deserve the compensation we are asking for.

The Bronx Personal Injury Claims Process

Each personal injury case is unique based on the specific facts involved. However, at some point or another, almost any personal injury claim will go through the same similar steps.


During our initial consultation, we will evaluate your claim and determine whether you have a case. If you do we will start the process of filing your case and preparing the required paperwork.

Once we have built a strong case against the negligent party or their insurer, we will then enter negotiations with them. Most personal injury cases settle during this time. If the insurance company agrees to settle for a fair amount, the case will be settled without going to trial and you won’t have to appear in court.

If the negligent party refuses to make a fair offer, we will discuss in detail what happens next and we may advise you to take the matter to court. There is no guarantee on how large an award a judge or jury will give in your case, but going to court is often the only way to get the fair compensation you deserve for your injuries.

Collecting Evidence

We will immediately start a complete investigation into the facts and circumstances of your personal injury claim. Often times we will start by:

  • Visiting the scene of the accident to take pictures.
  • Obtaining any accident reports that form the basis of your claim.
  • Identifying all of the negligent parties and setting up claims with their insurance carriers.
  • Ordering medical records and any bills associated with treatment for injuries that were sustained. accident.

Submitting A Demand Package

The demand package is a collection of all of the medical bills and documents that illustrate your injuries and wage loss. Once the demand package is complete, we will review the package with you to ensure it is complete. As soon as you approve the demand package we send it to the insurance carrier for the negligent party and they will then conduct their own review of the demand.


Insurance adjusters are usually reluctant to pay victims the full amount of compensation they deserve. They may offer low settlements in order to avoid having to go through the entire legal process of negotiations, arbitration, and even a trial to obtain the full amount you deserve. We will negotiate back and forth until we either reach an agreement that fully compensates you for your injuries or until we reach an impasse.


In the event we are able to negotiate a settlement with the insurance company that completely and adequately compensates you for your personal injuries, then we will prepare a settlement agreement outlining the terms of the settlement.

If the insurance company is unwilling to offer the kind of settlement you deserve, we move into the third stage of the personal injury claims process, litigation.

What To Prove In A Personal Injury Claim?

If you want to make an injury claim (either through an insurance claim or lawsuit), you usually need to be able to prove that the person you are making the claim against was somehow negligent and that their negligence led to your injuries (your damages).

Four Elements Are Required To Establish Negligence:

  • the existence of a legal duty that the defendant owed to the plaintiff
  • defendant’s breach of that duty
  • plaintiff’s sufferance of an injury
  • proof that the defendant’s breach caused the injury

Call Our Bronx Personal Injury Law Firm Today!

Are you ready to get the help you need? Contact David Resnick & Associates, P.C., now for a free consultation and claim review. Our Bronx office is located at 2484 Grand Concourse, Bronx, NY 10458, you can give us a call at 917-730-5359 or start a chat with one of our representatives.

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Fractured Leg


Car Accident Settlement


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